Sunday, July 26, 2020

Ep 193 Using Chatbots in HR - Workology

Ep 193 Using Chatbots in HR - Workology Ep 193: Using Chatbots in HR with Beth White (@HRtalkbot) On today’s podcast, I’d like to talk about using chatbots in HR to help streamline tasks and free up your team’s time to focus on high-touch projects. Chatbots, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and armed with machine learning, can interact with humans and become increasingly agile with each interaction. If you’ve ever “talked” to Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana, you were interacting with a chatbot. This podcast is sponsored by ClearCompany Ep 193: Using Chatbots in HR with Beth White (@HRtalkbot) Chatbots have been a hot topic in HR and that’s why I asked Beth White, Founder and Chief Bot at MeBeBot to join me on today’s podcast. We might not even know it but most of us have interacted with a chat bot at some post generally as a consumer, but this technology is moving fast into the HR industry. Beth shares with us what chat bots are and how they can be used in the podcast. She says applications for chat bots in HR is really about putting a new communication mechanism in what we call the flow of work. She says that chat bots are fabulous different types of communication tools that work with different collaboration platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts. Employees are already using these tools to communicate to each other. Employees interact with a chat bot on these platforms and are able to ask a series of frequently asked questions or FAQs to the chat bot directly within the platform of their choosing. Employees are able new way to interact in a new way quickly getting answers to common HR questions that tend to take up so much of our time as HR generalists. Beth says that the chat bot technology helps free up HR leaders automating some of the common questions. Responses are refined for the client and use natural language processing and artificial intelligence to provide better answers that suit the needs of the company and employees. Understanding AI in HR and Common Terminology One of my personal big pet peeves in our industry is the mis-use of technological terms as marking lingo designed to generate buzz. The use of technology terminology in our industry is a challenge and I think that all this technology hype generates confusion among so many in our industry. Beth is a former HR practitioner turned technologist who is creating technologies to truly help elevate the HR space. She understands both worlds which is why I asked her to share differences between this tech talk including: artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. While you should listen to the full podcast interview to get Beths insights, I will share that machine learning and natural language processing are types of AI. You cant have machine learning without AI, and this is part of what I think is confusing for HR leaders who are just diving into understanding artificial intelligence as it applies in human resources.   We, as consumers are used to having different types of mechanisms for contacting our cable or phone company, etc. Theyre leveraging technologies within their business. Why arent we using that same inside our #HR business? - @hrtalkbot #ai #hrtech… Click To Tweet Chat Bot Case Study for HR Beth shares how her client, E2Open uses MeBeBots chat bot technology at their organization. EVA is a virtual assistant that the E2Open team sees as an extension of their team. The team even had a new employee announcement when EVA was launched with a new hire celebration and other company-wide communication. EVA is answering 250 employee questions each month saving the HR team 7+ hours during that same time. You can hear more about EVA by listening to the AIHR Webinar available on Workologys LEARN platform for free. Links are below. The future of chat bots for HR is unlimited and Beth sees bots going beyond commonly asked HR questions but also learning and development, streamlining employee appraisals, and the benefits enrollment process. Conclusion I could talk for hours about HR tech, especially about how companies can “future-proof” productivity with new tools and technology. This has been a fascinating discussion and I’m so pleased to have had the opportunity to learn from Beth and her extensive experience working with companies on AI technology in HR. Connect with Beth White RECOMMENDED RESOURCES MeBeBot website The Intersection Between HR and AI (Austin Human Resources Management Association May 2019 presentation) AI Presentation on LEARN How Chatbots Can Help HR (and This Blog) Be More Productive AIHR Readiness Survey How to Subscribe to the Workology Podcast Stitcher PocketCast iTunes Podcast RSS Google Play YouTube TuneIn You can also click here to find out how to be a guest on the Workology Podcast.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Research shows rich people are more likely to cheat, steal, lie

Examination shows rich individuals are bound to cheat, take, lie Exploration shows rich individuals are bound to cheat, take, lie There is an explanation people love HBO's most recent significantly useless family show Succession (that family makes the Lohans appear as though they've truly made some kind of breakthrough.) We love to watch rich individuals acting badly. And dislike these are the primary serials to portray the lives of the rich and popular. They follow in the jewel and blood encrusted strides of Dynasty, Dallas, Peyton Place, 90210, Gossip Girl, Billions, and so forth., Heck, Tom Wolfe made a profession (and whole vernacular) out of uncovering the underbelly of elitist narcissism.But with these shows, a piece of us figures, Individuals can't generally be this awful, can they? This is for diversion. Are rich individuals actually this indecent?' Well, as indicated by late examination and on the off chance that you simply watch the news (hi Paul Manafort preliminary), these dramatizations and our gage on the affluent may not be that far off.Dacher Keltner, a clinician at the University of California , Berkeley and Paul Piff who have gone through decades considering riches, influence and benefit through a progression of trials. One took a gander at vehicles at a bustling four-way convergence and found that it was individuals in the more costly vehicles like Mercedes that were multiple times bound to overlook the option to proceed laws than those driving less expensive and more seasoned cars.When Keltner had a scientist profess to be a person on foot crossing, surmise which vehicles really halted? Correct, the individuals in the less expensive vehicles while just 50% of the costly vehicles did. It disclosed to us that there is something in particular about riches and benefit that causes you to feel like you're exempt from the rules that everyone else follows, that permits you to treat others as they don't exist, Keltner told the Washington Post.Rich individuals carrying on badlyIn a completely stunning discovering, Keltner and Piff additionally found that rich individuals are act ually bound to STEAL CANDY FROM CHILDREN. In a trial with 129 subjects, they had them contrast their accounts with individuals had pretty much cash. At that point they have them a sweets container that would have been given to kids in a neighboring lab however they could take a few on the off chance that they loved. The subjects that were completely more extravagant than the individuals they were contrasted with took more candy for themselves then those were poorer. To analysts who study riches and influence, it's disheartening yet to be expected on the grounds that it tracks so intimately with our discoveries. The impact of influence is unfortunately one of the most dependable laws of human conduct, said Keltner.Past examines have additionally indicated that the affluent are bound to undermine their duties and sentimental partners. These contemplates do make the rich look entirely chargeable yet remember that they are little arrangements of the well off and a portion of this indiv iduals could have had corrupt and twitch like propensities before they obtained wealth. Robert Gore, Ph.D., a partner educator of brain science at Alliant International University, in San Francisco, said when Piff and Keltners study came out that reviews connecting class and morals are difficult to make conclusive. Not every person who is coded as generally high social class drives an extravagance vehicle, Gore said to CNN. Extravagance vehicle drivers are a subset of the wealthy, and we as a whole know individuals who drive vehicles they can't generally bear. He included, This investigation truly shows that individuals who recognize as a higher social class are bound to concede exploitative conduct. It's not satisfactory whether they really act more regrettable or simply guarantee to.However, Piff noticed that they directed a few examinations and they all had comparable outcomes and variables including age, sex, ethnicity, and strict and political affiliations, which can affect m orals and ethics, were represented.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

What Employers Look For On Social Media Profiles

What Employers Look For On Social Media Profiles Your Facebook postings may prevail upon your companionsâ€"yet they could likewise cost you an occupation, another examination finds. Enlisting stage Jobvite has discharged the 2014 version of its yearly Social Recruiting Survey, and the outcomes may be perturbing to the individuals who tweet first and pose inquiries later. The information shows 93% of employing supervisors will survey a competitor's social profile before settling on a recruiting choice. What's more, that survey matters: 55% have rethought an up-and-comer dependent on what they find, with generally (61%) of those twofold takes being negative. As indicated by respondents, the most exceedingly awful thing you can do is make any sort of references to unlawful medications. That ought to most likely be presence of mindâ€"yet on the off chance that it's not, realize that 83% of selection representatives state doing so is a solid mood killer. (Maybe additionally intriguing: 2% of employing administrators believe it's a positive.) Also on the clearly don't do this rundown are sexual posts, which 70% of selection representatives state will mean something negative for you (just 1% are fans). 66% disclosed to Jobvite that posts including obscenity reflected ineffectively; over half didn't care for posts on firearms, and 44% considered presents on be liquor as concerning. Alright, you state, yet I keep my noseâ€"and my postsâ€"clean, and I wouldn't consider making any of the 10 most idiotic online life bungles MONEY as of late expounded on. So what do I have to stress over? All things considered, you should take another read of what you've composed: 66% of recruiting chiefs said they would hold poor spelling and punctuation against applicants. You may likewise need to think about hushing up about your political connection, since marginally more than 1 of every 6 scouts said that was an expected negative. Also, hello, while you're reexamining your LinkedIn profile, clean your corona a little: Jobvite's overview said that data regarding chipping in or gifts to good cause left 65% of scouts leaving with a positive impression. The study additionally indicated what other positive characteristics scouts are looking for on socialâ€"in spite of the fact that the outcomes aren't so astounding. Respondents said they attempt to decide things like proficient experience, common associations, instances of past work, and social fit. The investigation additionally loans some knowledge into how enrollment specialists utilize distinctive informal organizations. LinkedIn is unmistakably the lord of the slopeâ€"79% of respondents state they have employed through the system, versus 26% through Facebook and 14% through Twitter. About all employing supervisors will utilize LinkedIn for each progression of the enrollment procedure, including scanning for competitors, getting in contact, and checking them pre-meet. Interestingly, Facebook is principally utilized for exhibiting the business' image and getting representatives to allude their companions. Around 66% of enrollment specialists additionally utilize the system to vet competitors previously or after a meeting. Twitter gives off an impression of being the stage least utilized by employing directors, and is utilized comparatively to Facebook, however with less of an accentuation on competitor reviewing. Regardless of what the stage, be that as it may, the takeaway for laborers is clear: Best be cautious not to post anything you wouldn't see any problems a business or potential boss seeing. Make a point to check your Facebook protection settings, however don't rely upon them since they're known to change much of the time. What's more, recall, on the grounds that your internet based life postings haven't hurt you yet, doesn't mean they won't. At the point when MONEY's Susie Poppick conversed with Alison Green, originator of, she had a basic message to those uninterested about their online nearness: To individuals who don't secure their records since 'it's never been an issue,' I state, you don't realize whether that is valid. Peruse straightaway: 10 Job Skills You'll Need in 2020 For extra vocation tips and resume administrations, visit

Sunday, July 5, 2020

How to Craft a Resume to Land a Job

<h1>How to Craft a Resume to Land a Job</h1><p>So numerous individuals are going to the web and figuring out how to make a resume, or how to make their current resume additionally energizing, instead of the client care aptitudes that a resume needs to have. Many have been tricked by the way that a resume is a solitary page with the request for employment on it, and that is the only thing that is important. What they don't understand is that a resume will cost you time, cash, and disappointment. The individual sitting behind the work area at a human asset office realizes that they need to think about your age, instruction, experience, and what your character resembles, while you can be sitting at your PC composing endlessly about how marvelous your abilities are, and what an extraordinary resume you have that everybody is going to recruit you for.</p><p></p><p>In my own experience I comprehend the stuff to create aptitudes that will get you a vocation, since I'm in HR and I've worked with several resumes. The individuals working at a HR division couldn't care less who makes your resume; what they do think about is whether your resume has what they call 'client care abilities'. These incorporate things like making a pleasant individual email address, telling potential customers what you would accomplish for them, and discovering what your present customers consider you.</p><p></p><p>However, on the off chance that you are attempting to figure out how to make a resume and be in client assistance for an organization, or on the off chance that you are in a position where you can attempt to support others, at that point the client assistance aptitudes are what you have to accentuate. In the event that you can show that you can take care of issues, function admirably under tension, step up, convey successfully, get individuals to confide in you, etc, at that point you can hope to have better accomplishm ent at getting your resume to the front of the line.</p><p></p><p>Now, what precisely is client assistance? Basically, this is ensuring that individuals are treated as clients as opposed to only a number, at that point doing what you can to help them inside and out, and appearing at their home when they are experiencing difficulty, or getting awful news, or simply getting annoyed about something, regardless of whether it's only an easily overlooked detail, to ensure that they feel thought about. This implies when they are going after a position, you need to show that you have these client support skills.</p><p></p><p>One approach to do this is to consider what you will bring to the table for the activity. It may be the case that you have some involvement with the client assistance field that tells you realize the best way to help individuals in an expert way. In any case, on the off chance that you don't have any of these aptitudes, at that point a resume can at present feature your expert administrations. At the point when somebody goes after a position, they need to realize that you can take care of their issues, offer up your conclusions about things, however give them how you will tackle the issue, and give them what you can do.</p><p></p><p>That is the place the client care abilities come in. As I stated, on the off chance that you can show how you can take care of business for them, it can have a significant effect in the world.</p><p></p><p>Those are the three key components to creating a resume that will permit you to get an occupation, regardless of whether it is client support abilities or a smidgen of everything. In the event that you can make this basic point to your potential manager, at that point you will see yourself and your resume, being required a meeting, and ideally, finding the activity you have consistently wanted.</p>

How to Craft a Resume to Land a Job

<h1>How to Craft a Resume to Land a Job</h1><p>So numerous individuals are going to the web and figuring out how to make a resume, or how to make their current resume additionally energizing, instead of the client care aptitudes that a resume needs to have. Many have been tricked by the way that a resume is a solitary page with the request for employment on it, and that is the only thing that is important. What they don't understand is that a resume will cost you time, cash, and disappointment. The individual sitting behind the work area at a human asset office realizes that they need to think about your age, instruction, experience, and what your character resembles, while you can be sitting at your PC composing endlessly about how marvelous your abilities are, and what an extraordinary resume you have that everybody is going to recruit you for.</p><p></p><p>In my own experience I comprehend the stuff to create aptitudes that will get you a vocation, since I'm in HR and I've worked with several resumes. The individuals working at a HR division couldn't care less who makes your resume; what they do think about is whether your resume has what they call 'client care abilities'. These incorporate things like making a pleasant individual email address, telling potential customers what you would accomplish for them, and discovering what your present customers consider you.</p><p></p><p>However, on the off chance that you are attempting to figure out how to make a resume and be in client assistance for an organization, or on the off chance that you are in a position where you can attempt to support others, at that point the client assistance aptitudes are what you have to accentuate. In the event that you can show that you can take care of issues, function admirably under tension, step up, convey successfully, get individuals to confide in you, etc, at that point you can hope to have better accomplishm ent at getting your resume to the front of the line.</p><p></p><p>Now, what precisely is client assistance? Basically, this is ensuring that individuals are treated as clients as opposed to only a number, at that point doing what you can to help them inside and out, and appearing at their home when they are experiencing difficulty, or getting awful news, or simply getting annoyed about something, regardless of whether it's only an easily overlooked detail, to ensure that they feel thought about. This implies when they are going after a position, you need to show that you have these client support skills.</p><p></p><p>One approach to do this is to consider what you will bring to the table for the activity. It may be the case that you have some involvement with the client assistance field that tells you realize the best way to help individuals in an expert way. In any case, on the off chance that you don't have any of these aptitudes, at that point a resume can at present feature your expert administrations. At the point when somebody goes after a position, they need to realize that you can take care of their issues, offer up your conclusions about things, however give them how you will tackle the issue, and give them what you can do.</p><p></p><p>That is the place the client care abilities come in. As I stated, on the off chance that you can show how you can take care of business for them, it can have a significant effect in the world.</p><p></p><p>Those are the three key components to creating a resume that will permit you to get an occupation, regardless of whether it is client support abilities or a smidgen of everything. In the event that you can make this basic point to your potential manager, at that point you will see yourself and your resume, being required a meeting, and ideally, finding the activity you have consistently wanted.</p>