Thursday, December 12, 2019

Posting Salary in Job Listings

Posting Salary in Job ListingsPosting Salary in Job ListingsDo you put the salary for the job in your job listings, either in your online job postings or in other venues? This debate about listing salary in job postings is an area of contention between employers and job searchers. This debate becomes mora important during times when job applicants are willing to settle just to have a job. This could cause retention chaos as jobs become more available or cause motivation damage for people who are under-employed, under-utilized, and bored. Even if job searchers are skilled and marketable, they feel that they waste a lot of time responding to job listings for jobs that they could never accept. In fact, increasingly potential employees with desirable skills and experience, are skipping job listings that fail to specify the salary sortiment for the advertised position. Employers who fail to provide this information could lose significantly in the war for particular skills, competencies, a nd experience. The Debate About Salary in Job Postings Employers argue that not supplying the salary range gives them more flexibility in considering a wide range of candidates, especially in cases where they may have some flexibility. Some employers also believe that the first party to supply a number in a salary negotiation is in the weaker negotiating position. Job applicants argue that they dont want to waste their time applying for jobs that pay outside of the salary range which they require. Applicants feel that employers are playing a one-sided game that gives all of the chips to the employer. Applicants say that an online job application for an employers applicant tracking system can take an hour or more to fill out. So, it is unfair to withhold salary information that would have helped them decide whether to apply. Its one thing to enter a resume online, but its an entirely different investment to fill out an application, participate in interviews, and more, for a posit ion that he or she cannot afford to accept if offered. Without Complete Info, the Best Candidates Might Be Missed Participating in interviews, particularly multiple phone screens and onsite meetings can take several days of the prospective employees time. The best candidates are becoming less likely to participate in this long drawn out process without complete information - including salary - about the job. Another piece, when you hire an employee, to the salary negotiation puzzle is that employers frequently ask candidates to provide either their current salary or their expected compensation with the application. The reality is that, if the employer asks for this information with the application, the application is not valid, and the applicant need not be considered if he or she doesnt supply it. Employers should supply salary information, albeit a broad range, in job postings. Your arguments over the years have convinced me. This ensures that employers are spending their tim e with candidates that they can afford to hire. Prospective employees are spending their time on applications for jobs that they can afford to accept. And, no one wastes time, one of the most important commodities in this busy world.

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