Monday, March 9, 2020

How To Make A Perfect Sales Resume Numbers, Customers, And Hooking The Reader

How To Make A Perfect Sales Resume Numbers, Customers, And Hooking The ReaderHow To Make A Perfect Sales Resume Numbers, Customers, And Hooking The ReaderGetting a job in sale is about inspiring confidence in your ability to set meetings and close deals. Both of those things lead to the only metric that really matters dollars of product/service sold.Thats why numbers are the most important aspect of any sales resume. It doesnt matter if theyre sales numbers or not. You want to use as many metrics as you can to show the scale and skill associated with your performance.Beyond that, you want to prove that you have experience in customer-facing roles and the ability to steer business conversations in the right direction. Before you panic, we want to assure you there are plenty of ways to do this without having prior experience in a sales or account management position.Heres how.Showing The Numbers 101They may look random, but theyre my p?h?o?n?e? ?n?u?m?b?e?r? SALES NUMBERS.This step is pretty straightforward. You want to turn any written-out numbers (like ten or thirty) into actual numerals (10, 30, 1,242).This does violate the normal conventions of written grammar, in which you only use numerals for larger numbers, but youre looking for a job. Nows not exactly the best time to quibble about grammar. (That is, unless youre applying to be the copyeditor atthe New Yorker, in which case, quibble away)But this is sales were talking about. Its about showing that you can work with great volume to great success. Try turning your qualitative (descriptive) experience into numbers. Like, instead of Data entry, try Organized mora than 12,000 points of data for business team.Stuff that has nothing to do with sales or metrics can still stand out as a number.Even a volunteer position can be turned into numbers. Take your volunteer gig as a political canvasser and transform it into hard numbers Executed on door-knocking campaign with more than 700 households visited and Raised $ 3,000 for the campaign of John Politics, Sr.The same can be done with club leadership experience. A great way to turn your extracurricular experience into relevant data for your resume would be to follow something like this examplePresident of College DemocratsManaged club with more than 30 annual meetings, 50+ members, and 5 annual conference eventsOversaw administration of $10,000 budgetRaised $12,000 for political causes, future club events, and speaker seriesNumbers are a way of breaking up the long text of resumes and showing that yourealreadythinking like a sales professional.Show That Youre All About The CustomerIts all about the pitch.Experience interacting with clients, customers, and potential money-spenders of any kind is really important for sales.This can come in the form of a customer service or retail sales position, of course. But also jobs like cashier, technician, or even manual labor can be translated to customer service experience. Even something like a camp coun selor can be great, because you had clients (the campers) and their parents (the customers).If you phrase this type of experience (which is really common among college students and recent grads) the right way, then you can turn an irrelevant data point into a huge value-add for your resume.A lot of sales positions involve cold-calling (making a phone call to people not necessarily expecting one), lead generation (tracking down the right people to buy your product, finding their info), and being persistent. There are ways that people in all types of positions do thisYouve Got Six Seconds To ShineWanna binnensee me read your resume?Your resume has got an average of six seconds in front of a recruiter or hiring manager. And even that might even be a generous estimate.Youve got to hit these two points hard and fast if you want to get them interested. Put the numbers on early and often, because they interest sales recruiters in a big way. Plus, use the more text-heavy bullets to showcase your customer-centric attitude.The best part is, if you can do this, youve just hooked your first customer. The rest is smooth sailing from there.Ready to prep for all those interviews, negotiations, and first days of work to come? Check out more career tips at the WayUp Guide.

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